ID | Title | Date | Material | Video |
1 | Plasma-PEPSC Summer Camp in Ljubljana | Sep. 2023, 28-29 | – | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (YouTube) |
2 | Webinar: The State of MPI Current Standard & Future Plans | Dec. 2023, 11 | YouTube | |
3 | Space Plasma Simulations with Vlasiator on LUMI Supercomputer | Feb. 2024, 13-15 | Github | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 |
4 | Webinar: Using Alpaka For Portable Parallel Programming | May 2024, 28 | YouTube | |
5 | Digital Twins for Future Fusion Reactors | Sep. 2024, 25-26 | EuroCC Indico | – |
6 | alpaka and openPMD Workshop & Hackathon | Oct. 2024, 23–25 | Github | – |