Plasma-PEPSC at HiPEAC 2025 Conference

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Plasma-PEPSC members had an impactful presence at the HiPEAC 2025 conference, participating in key workshops including:
🔹 From Petascale to Exascale and Beyond: The Centres of Excellence Challenge
🔹 Tackling Software Exascale Challenges: The Centres of Excellence in High Performance Computing Perspective
🔹 Classical HPC & QC: The Way to Foster Integration

Our partners showcased the critical role of Plasma-PEPSC in advancing flagship plasma codes towards the exascale era, through several engaging technical presentations:
🔸 Pratibha Hegde (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) provided an overview of Plasma-PEPSC CoE and discussed the exploration of quantum computing in Centres of Excellence.
🔸 Marta García-Gasulla (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) presented on co-design, turning it from a buzzword into reality with an EPI success story.
🔸 Kallia Chronaki (FORTH) spoke about vectorizing the BIT1 particle-in-cell code.
🔸 Yi Ju (Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)) explored in-situ techniques for efficient coupling of plasma turbulence simulations (GENE & GENE-X).
🔸 Prof. Stefano Markidis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) discussed overcoming challenges in quantum computing to enable practical applications and engaged in a dynamic panel discussion on quantum computing use cases.

It’s inspiring to see the continued collaboration and vibrant discussions within the community, driving progress in exascale computing and quantum advancements! 🌟

Thanks to the organizers of the workshops for facilitating these valuable discussions.


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