List of Deliverables

IDName of Deliverable
D1.1Initial definition of the scientific challenges and initial evaluation plan – Controlling Plasma-Material Interfaces with BIT
D1.2Initial definition of the scientific challenges and initial evaluation plan – Optimising Magnetically Confined Plasmas with GENE
D1.3Initial definition of the scientific challenges and initial evaluation plan – Enabling Next-Generation Plasma Accelerators for Real World Applications with PIConGPU
D1.4Initial definition of the scientific challenges and initial evaluation plan – Predicting Near-Earth Space Dynamics with Vlasiator
D1.5Initial assessment of developments and revision of the scientific challenges – Controlling Plasma-Material Interfaces with BIT
D1.6Initial assessment of developments and revision of the scientific challenges – Optimising Magnetically Confined Plasmas with GENE
D1.7Initial assessment of developments and revision of the scientific challenges – Enabling Next-Generation Plasma Accelerators for Real World Applications with PIConGPU
D1.8Initial assessment of developments and revision of the scientific challenges – Predicting Near-Earth Space Dynamics with Vlasiator
D1.9First Release – Plasma Simulation Codes and Documentation
D2.1Initial co-design plan and experience with Plasma-PEPSC codes and EPI processor
D2.2Initial co-design plan and experience with Plasma-PEPSC codes and the EPI accelerator
D2.3Initial Assessment of Future Emerging Technologies and Algorithms for Plasma Simulations
D2.4Report on Phase-1 Codesign with the EPI systems
D3.1Initial report on MPI, load balancing and resilience in plasma codes
D3.2Updated report on MPI, load balancing and resilience in plasma codes
D4.1Initial report on improving parallel I/O, enabling in-situ and compression
D4.2Report on improving parallel I/O, and enabling in-situ and compression algorithms in Plasma-PEPSC codes
D5.1Initial report on algorithmic changes and memory optimisation for heterogeneous systems in Plasma-PEPSC codes
D5.2Report on algorithmic changes and memory optimisation for heterogeneous systems in Plasma-PEPSC codes
D6.1Collaboration plan with definition of common objectives and activities including milestone
D6.2Report on dissemination, community building, collaborations, training, and exploitation
D6.3Updated report on dissemination, community building, collaborations, training, and exploitation plans
D7.1Project Management Handbook
D7.2Data Management Plan
D7.3Updated Data Management Plan